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Reports A Year Without Action: An Analysis of Borrower Complaints

A Year Without Action: An Analysis of Borrower Complaints

A Year Without Action: An Analysis of Borrower Complaints

This report documents the widespread abuses across the student loan industry, as described by more than 13,000 student loan borrowers who submitted complaints to the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) between September 1, 2017 and December 11, 2018.

Borrowers across the country describe being squeezed between mounting debt and predatory companies. Despite being required by federal law to produce an annual report documenting borrower complaints, the Trump Administration has failed to do so since assuming control over the CFPB more than one year ago—ignoring increasing evidence of the nation’s growing student debt crisis. 

Read the Report: A Year Without Action

Read the Press Release: Student Loan Borrowers Fall Prey to Widespread Industry Abuses, Nationwide Analysis of Consumer Complaints Finds

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