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Events Delivering on Student Debt: Cancelling Student Debt on Day One and Beyond

Delivering on Student Debt: Cancelling Student Debt on Day One and Beyond

12:00 PM EST

The Student Borrower Protection Center and Demos hosted a virtual conference featuring student loan advocates, experts, and policymakers discussing how the Biden administration can take immediate action to deliver promised relief to servicemembers, public servants, defrauded borrowers, and other vulnerable groups.

The conference keynote as well as all three panel discussions can be viewed below

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren

Panel 1
Cancelling Student Debt for Students Defrauded by Predatory Schools

Panel 2
Cancelling Student Debt for Public Service Workers, Military Families, and Vulnerable Borrowers

Panel 3
The Equity, Economic, and Policy Case for Administrative Action to Cancel Student Debt


This event builds on a new report from the SBPC and Dēmos featuring contributions from leading student loan experts and advocates. The report offers a roadmap for the Biden administration to cancel student debt for millions of borrowers who have been denied promised debt relief as a result of systemic mismanagement and abuse across the student loan system. The recommendations build on calls by advocates and elected officials for President Biden to immediately deliver broad-based debt cancellation for all student loan borrowers.

Read the Report

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