On February 28, the day the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the case against President Biden’s historic plan to cancel student debt. In response, over 500 people gathered on the steps of the court, and over 23,000 streamed in virtually to say:
Follow the letter of the law and uphold the people’s right to student debt cancellation!
Watch a recording of the full rally below:
For too long the student debt crisis has exacerbated racial and economic inequality. Working people are looking to SCOTUS to follow the letter of the law and uphold critical relief for millions of student loan borrowers.
In a matter of days following the announcement of President Biden’s life-changing student debt cancellation program, blatantly partisan lawsuits were filed by the president’s political opponents to block the desperately needed relief. As a result, more than 26 million borrowers remain in limbo, including 16 million who have been officially approved for relief.
See photos of the rally here:
For more information about the rally, see here.