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Media NCLC, PPSL, and SBPC Joint Statement on 50+ Lawmaker Letter to Cardona About MOHELA

NCLC, PPSL, and SBPC Joint Statement on 50+ Lawmaker Letter to Cardona About MOHELA

September 10, 2024 | WASHINGTON, D.C. — 50 members of Congress, led by Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Jim Clyburn, sent a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona about the student loan servicing company Higher Education Loan Authority of the State of Missouri (MOHELA).

In response, the National Consumer Law Center, Project on Predatory Student Lending, and Student Borrower Protection Center issued the following joint statement:

“We applaud Senator Warren, Representative Clyburn, and the more than 50 members of Congress for calling on the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to conduct an urgent review of MOHELA’s performance and consider measures to hold it accountable.

“Despite receiving hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars each year, MOHELA’s servicing of student loans has been an utter failure and borrowers are being forced to pay the price. Our respective organizations have filed suit against MOHELA to vindicate borrowers’ rights in court and will continue to fight until borrowers get the justice they deserve. It is long past time for ED to conduct a robust review of MOHELA’s failures. We are thrilled to see such a broad coalition of policymakers stand in solidarity with the millions of student loan borrowers calling for accountability and urge the Department to act immediately.”

Further Reading

Read the letter here: Cardona Letter from 50+ Democratic Lawmakers on MOHELA

Senator Warren’s press release about the letter: Over 50 Members of Congress Call on Department of Education to Consider Terminating Contract with MOHELA

Business Insider reporting on the letter: Millions of student-loan borrowers’ payments are being ‘wildly’ mismanaged by a major servicer — and it might be time to terminate its contract, over 50 Democratic lawmakers say

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