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Advocacy Letters 22,000+ Borrowers and 200+ Advocacy Groups Submit Public Comment in Support of President Biden’s Student Debt Relief NPRM

22,000+ Borrowers and 200+ Advocacy Groups Submit Public Comment in Support of President Biden’s Student Debt Relief NPRM

**The coalition comment count was updated from 228 to 229 at 3:40PM on May 17, 2024.

22,337 borrowers voiced support for student debt cancellation in a comment submitted to the Federal Register in response to the 30-day public comment period for the Biden Administration’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to provide cancellation to 30 million Americans. The comment features thousands of borrower stories demonstrating the life-changing impact that President Biden’s new proposal would have on them. 

Separately, a coalition led by Student Borrower Protection Center (SBPC), Young Invincibles, NAACP, and Student Debt Crisis Center (SDCC) submitted a comment on behalf of 229 national, state, and local civil rights, consumer advocacy, veterans, disability, and labor organizations.

SBPC also submitted a comment offering technical feedback on the specific proposals.

Read the Cover Letter for the Borrower Comment Spotlighting 15 Borrower Stories: Here.

  • View the Borrower Petition Signed by 22,337 Borrowers and Read Nearly 5,000 Borrower Stories: Here.

Read the Coalition Comment Signed by 229 Organizations: Here.

Read SBPC’s Comment: Here.

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