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Advocacy Letters SBPC, Military, and Veterans Groups Demand Industry Leaders Uphold SCRA Protections for Military Consumers

SBPC, Military, and Veterans Groups Demand Industry Leaders Uphold SCRA Protections for Military Consumers

SBPC, Military, and Veterans Groups Demand Industry Leaders Uphold SCRA Protections for Military Consumers

In letters sent to 21 financial industry leaders, the SBPC, Student Veterans of America, Veterans Education Success, and over a dozen additional organizations representing military consumers, remind industry of its obligations under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). 

The organizations lay out immediate actions financial institutions can take to improve service to military consumers and ensure they are in compliance with the SCRA, as tens of thousands of National Guard troops are being called upon to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Read: Letters to Financial Services Companies

Read the Press Release: Advocates and Veterans Groups Urge Financial Institutions to Follow Military Consumer Protection Law During COVID-19 Mobilizations

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