Several states across the country have a Student Loan Ombudsperson or Student Loan Advocates. These state officials are dedicated resources committed to providing information that is critical to many student loan borrowers. You can reach out to your state ombudsperson or student loan advocate as another resource to help address any student loan-related concerns.
- Celina Damian
- Student Loan Services Ombudsperson
- Department of Financial Protection & Innovation
- 1-(866)-275-2677
- Ask.DFPI@DFPI.ca.gov
- https://dfpi.ca.gov/student-loan-servicing-program/student-loans/
- Kelsey Lesco
- Student Loan Ombudsperson
- Office of the Attorney General
- (702) 508-MySL (6975)
- studentloans@coag.gov
- coag.gov/studentloans
District of Columbia
- Student Loan & Foreclosure Ombudsman
- Department of Securities, Insurance & Banking
- (202) 727-8000
- dcloanhelp@dc.gov
- disb.dc.gov/studentloanhelp
- Student Loan Ombudsman
- Office of the Attorney General
- 1-(800)-455-2456
- www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/
- Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection
- (207) 624-8527
- www.credit.maine.gov
- cons.credit@maine.gov
- Amy P. Hennen, Esq.
- Acting Student Loan Ombudsman
- Director of Legislative Response and Special Projects
- Office of Financial Regulation
- Maryland Department of Labor
- studentloan.ombudsman@maryland.gov
- https://www.dllr.state.md.us/finance/consumers/frslombud.shtml
- Arwen Thoman
- Student Loan Ombudsman
- Attorney General’s Office
- 1-(888)-830-6277
- www.mass.gov/ago/studentloans
- Jabra Kawas
- Student Loan Advocate
- Enforcement Division
- Minnesota Department of Commerce
- jabra.kawas@state.mn.us
- https://mn.gov/commerce/money/consumer/student-loans/
New Jersey
- N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance
- (800)-446-7467
- https://www.nj.gov/dobi/division_consumers/finance/studentloan/index.html
New York
- Scott Ahrens
- Student Advocate & Assist. Dep. Superint.
- Student Loan Servicing
- NYS Department of Financial Services
- (212)-480-4918
- students@dfs.ny.gov
- www.dfs.ny.gov/consumers/student_protection
- Evelyn Castro
- Student Loan Ombudsman
- Office of Nevada State Treasurer
- (702) 486-3384
- 1-(888)-477-2667
- SLO@nevadatreasurer.gov
- https://nvigate.gov/programs/ombudsman/
- Lane Thompson
- Student Loan Ombudsperson
- Division of Financial Regulation, Department of Consumer and Business Services
- 888-877-4894 (toll-free)
- dfr.bankingproducthelp@dcbs.oregon.gov
- https://dfr.oregon.gov/help/student-loan-help/Pages/index.aspx
Rhode Island
- Attorney General’s Office
- 401-274-4400
- studentloans@riag.ri.gov
- https://studentloanrightsri.com/
- Scott W. Kemp
- Student Loan Advocate
- State Council of Higher Education
- (804) 786-2832
- studentloan@schev.edu
- www.schev.edu/studentloan
- https://www.virginiastudentloanhelp.org/
- Student Achievement Council
- (360) 753-7781
- loanadvocate@wsac.wa.gov
- https://www.wsac.wa.gov/loan-advocacy