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Reports Student Debt in the South: Texas

Student Debt in the South: Texas

Student Debt in the South is an expansion of the Student Borrower Protection Center’s exploration of the geography of student debt disparities and the economic distress that borrowers of color, particularly those who are Black and Latino/a, face in the student loan market. Research has increasingly shed light on the vast racial disparities present in the student debt crisis. Beyond rising balances and unaffordable monthly bills, student debt has far-reaching effects on the lived experience of student loan borrowers and the communities in which they live.

The first report in this series (read here) focused on Atlanta, Georgia, providing a case study on the effects of student debt on Black communities and the shifting impacts of student debt on communities of color over the past decade. The second report in this series focuses on the three largest metropolitan areas in the state of Texas: Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.

The South has something to say.

Download: Student Debt in the South: Texas

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