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Press Releases

Advocates File Complaint with Federal Trade Commission, Urge Enforcement Action Against Vemo Education for Its Deceptive Marketing of Income-Share Agreements to Students

The National Consumer Law Center and the Student Borrower Protection Center filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging it to investigate Vemo Education, Inc. (Vemo) for unfair and deceptive business practices under the Federal Trade Commission Act in the marketing and promotion of income-share agreements (ISAs) for...
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Advocates and Veterans Groups Urge Financial Institutions to Follow Military Consumer Protection Law During COVID-19 Mobilizations

Today, the Student Borrower Protection Center, Student Veterans of America, Veterans Education Success, and over a dozen national military and veteran service organizations sent letters to the nation’s major financial institutions urging them to ensure that service members—including those called up to support COVID-19 emergency response efforts—are not being mistreated...
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Americans for Financial Reform and SBPC Send Letter to Navient Board of Directors Demanding Investment in Student Borrowers, Not Shareholders

The Student Borrower Protection Center (SBPC) and Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) sent a letter to the Board of Directors of Navient Corporation urging the company’s board to halt dividends and stock buybacks, pause planned compensation for itself and the company’s managers, and focus on investing in customer service infrastructure...
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