- Expanding Enforcement Rights Under State Law. The SBPC has helped partners work to pass state legislation in Maryland, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Maine, Colorado, and Virginia to create new private enforcement rights for student loan borrowers, giving these borrowers new tools under state law to hold student loan companies accountable for abuses.
- Expanding Enforcement Rights Under Federal Law. At the federal level, the SBPC worked with Senator Richard Durbin and Congresswoman Alma Adams on the drafting and introduction of the federal Student Borrower Bill of Rights (S. 1354) and Student Borrower Protections Act (H.R. 5294), proposing amendments to the Truth in Lending Act to create new protections and enforcement tools for student loan borrowers with both federal and private student loans.
- Restoring Access to Justice Under State Law. At the state level, SBPC worked with advocates, legislators, and regulators in Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado, New Jersey, and New York to create new protections for students by limiting state resources from flowing to schools that limit students’ judicial rights from raising disputes in court.
If you are interested in partnering with the SBPC’s Student Borrower Justice Project, please contact justice@protectborrowers.org.